Table of Contents: PFAS Drinking Water Treatment
Section 1: U.S. Drinking Water PFAS Policy and Legal ActionFederal Regulatory Trajectory
PFAS State Drinking Water Policy
States Propose and Adopt Drinking Water MCLs
Expanding State Regulation Landscape
PFAS Sites Identified Proliferate across the Country
PFAS Sparks Legal Action against Suppliers
Infrastructure Funding Drives PFAS Investment
Key PFAS Funding Channels
Investment in Technology Innovation
PFAS Action Expands to Investor-owned Utilities
Section 2: U.S. Drinking Water Remediation Forecasts
Key Market Assumptions: Treatment System Addressable Market
Total Drinking Water Market Forecast, 2022–2030
Drinking Water Market Forecasts by Technology, 2022–2030
Drinking Water Market Forecasts Top 20 States, 2022–2030
Section 3: PFAS Treatment Technologies and Case Studies
PFAS Treatment: Established and Emerging Technologies
Maturity of PFAS Treatment Technologies
Emerging Drinking Water Technologies Overview
PFAS Concentration, Chain Length, and Removal Capabilities
Technology Case Study: Placentia, Orange County, California
Technology Case Study: Villa Park, Orange County, California
Technology Case Study: Wilmington, North Carolina
Technology Case Study: Portsmouth, New Hampshire
Technology Case Study: Brunswick County, North Carolina
Section 4: U.S. Biosolids Market and Business Models
Sewage Sludge Production across the U.S.
Wastewater Treatment Saleable Byproducts at Risk
Biosolids Market Opportunity Dependent on Beneficial Use across the U.S.
Rising Landfill Tipping Fees Drive Biosolids Market across the U.S.
Biosolid Incineration Facilities and Equipment on the Decline
Biosolid Commercial Costs and Value Comparison
Outsourced v.s In-house Biosolids Management Strategies
Sludge Production and Disposal Use and Costs: PFAS Risks
Section 5: PFAS Action Expands Globally
Global PFAS Policy Approaches
Efforts to Rein in PFAS Contamination Expands Globally
European Union Puts Forth Strong PFAS Action
Section 6: Company Profiles
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