Table of Contents: Europe Municipal Water & Wastewater: CAPEX Market Forecasts

Section 1: Europe Municipal Water Market Trends & Drivers

Water Market Trends and Drivers – Setting the Pace of Change
Regulatory Framework
Demographic Shift and Water Scarcity
Water Infrastructure Index
Market Maturity Curve
Water & Wastewater Network Development
Water & Wastewater Market Structure
Digital Transformation
Aging Infrastructure
Pipes Replacement and Rehabilitation Rate
Funding Structure
Funding and Compliance Rate with the UWWTD
Cohesion & Europe Regional Development Funds Project Shares
Water Infrastructure Projects
The European Investment Bank Funding
Water Tariffs
Cost Recovery (1/2)
Cost Recovery (2/2)
Investment Market Attractiveness

Section 2: Europe Water Market Forecast Methodology

Mapping the Opportunity – European Markets Covered
Evaluating the Demand Landscape – Market Growth Drivers
Bringing It All Together – Bluefield CAPEX Asset Market Model Formula
Europe Water Forecast Methodology – Methodology Breakdown
Segmenting – Municipal Water Market Taxonomy
Quantifying Spend – Asset Pricing by Size
Sizing the Market – Utility Assets by Region

Section 3: Europe Water Market Forecast Breakdowns

Pockets of Opportunity – CAPEX by European Regions
Regional Strategies Lead European Market: 7-year CAPEX by Country
Pipes, Treatment Take Lion's Share – Infrastructure Spend by Subcategory
Market Outlook by Water Type
Geography Dictates Opportunity – 7-Year CAPEX by Region/Category
Western Europe Market Outlook
U.K. & Ireland Market Outlook
Southern Europe Market Outlook
Central Europe Market Outlook
Nordics Market Outlook
Eastern Europe & Baltics Market Outlook
Water Market Positioning Outlook
Leading Market Outlook

Section 4: Regulatory Framework

Market Trends and Drivers – Regulatory Framework
Glossary – List of Abbreviations